MMI supports access to water, the restoration and implementation of drinking water and sanitation facilities, and the training of communities on water management as key aspects of ensuring a better life for all people.





As stated in Goal 6 of the SDGs, access to safe drinking water and sanitation is a human right and a critical determinant of every community's human, social, health, economic, and environmental development.

Ensuring access to water for all means providing every human being with a source of safe water and enough water to live in dignity and perform basic daily activities.

It also entails managing the resource optimally and appropriately, avoiding waste and contamination, through the construction of infrastructure for water supply and wastewater management.

Furthermore, the availability of water and its proper use help combat hunger by improving crop and food production.

In each intervention context and across the various public health fields where it operates, MMI carries out activities to raise awareness of proper water use and hygiene, provide sources of water supply, collection, and distribution to underserved communities, rehabilitate toilet facilities in remote health centers, and establish and train community water management committees.”



Medicus Mundi Italia MMI
CF 98011200171

Via Collebeato 26, 25127 Brescia BS

Tel. +39 030 37 52 517  - 030 69 50 381

WhatsApp +39 351 305779


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