MMI is committed to strengthening local health systems to improve access to basic health services, working directly in the most remote communities and health centers, with a focus on mothers and children.


Community health is primary health care; it involves being present on the ground and the convergence of health services and economic and social responsibilities.

Community health is the practice and spread of the right to health for all, even in remote and vulnerable communities.

Working for community health entails collaborating with local public health authorities to address disparities in service access.

In accordance with SDG 3, MMI's community health programs in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Kenya, and Mozambique seek to improve the quality and accessibility of services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of major diseases that affect the most vulnerable families.

The association's programs aim to include communities in decision-making and reduce hospitalization costs.

MMI's projects support the strengthening of facilities, the provision of medical equipment, public awareness, and the availability and training of medical personnel at various levels (medical treatment, screening, counselling)."




Medicus Mundi Italia MMI
CF 98011200171

Via Collebeato 26, 25127 Brescia BS

Tel. +39 030 37 52 517  - 030 69 50 381

WhatsApp +39 351 305779

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